True Meaning Of Masculinity

Know the true meaning of masculinity and how you can be more mascline.

Importance Of Masculinity

Masculinity is often misunderstood in today's world. We’re bombarded with stereotypes, confusion, and misguided ideals about what it truly means to be a man. But at its core, masculinity is about more than just surface-level traits — it's about strength, purpose, and unwavering leadership.

We are living in a world where masculinity has is often looked at something toxic.

Now we live in civilised society but when humans lived in caves, it was men who used to fight wild animals and enemy tribes to protect women and children and gather food. In modern times where everything is controlled, now they claim masculinity to be toxic.

Masculinity is not toxic. A masculine man cannot be controlled and thus he cannot be manipulated. Whenever the world has been in danger, masculine men stood up and prtoected their loved ones. They fought wars, built great things and took this world forward.

Absence of masculinity will destroy men. They will become weak and submissive. Men without high masculine energy will lose everything in their life and they will not even realise that.

As a man you must protect your masculinity.

What does masculinity mean ?

Masculinity represents the attributes of men. To undertand masculiinity, you need to understand masculine energy. Every human being has masculine energy and feminine energy. It is the level of these two energies that make you masculine or feminine. If your masculine energy is high, you will become a strong masculine man and if your feminine energy is high, you will become a femine man (soy boys).

Masculine energy is about creating and building something. It is a drive inside you that pushes you to better every single day.

A masculine men is somebody who has a sense of purpose. A man must have a purpose is in his life. Purpose can be anything that makes you feel that you are important and you are creating value. For example your purpose as a man can be to start and grow your business to solve a problem, your purpose can be protecting your family and teaching your family good values and so on.

Purpose is the most important thing in a man’s life.

How To Increase Your Masculinity ?

To increase your masculinity you have to embrace challenges. Comfort will never let you become a masculine man. I am provind the things you can do to increase your masculinty.

Steps to increase your masculinity:
  • Train your body everyday: As a man it is your responsibility to be strong. Strength training has proven to be most effective way to build muscles. When you workout, you get out of your comfort zone and choose to do a hard and difficult task. Your body aches but still you choose to train everyday. This develops a mindset of a strong and masculine man.

  • Read more books: Reading will improve your intellect and your attention span. If you want to be respected, you have to be better than everybody. People only respect those who they think are better than them. Reading will teach you so many new things that will open your eyes and you will start seeing what truly matters.

  • Compete more: Find other men who have similar mindset as you and compete with them. Don’t be like those weak men who are afraid to compete because they know they cannot win. Competition will always bring the best out of you.

  • Build something: To tap into your primal masculine instinct, you have to build something. It can be building more muscles, building your business or building anything that has value. This is the most important step. When you build things, you start to find your true purpose.

Your masculinity is in your hands. You can either choose to get better and be the best version of yourself or you can let others control you and dictatae your life. Some choices are difficult in short term but will give bring rewards in the long run and some choice are sweet and comfortable like honey in short but will destroy you in the long run.

Do not be afraid of facing challenges. Embrace them and find solutions. That’s what being a man is all about.

Thank You,

Ultimate Masculinity